Ride The Flavour (en)

Ride the Flavour team started out its world tour!

Jul. 2nd | 0 comments

Monday, July 1st, 2013. The alarm clock first sounded like an assault… The last preparations had substantially shortened our night, so that we were still a little bit weary when we woke up. At 9 am, everything was ready: bikes were set to the millimeter and all of belongings were packed in our bike bags. We left LĂ©o’s house and started riding towards the official place of our departure: the Capitol Square, in the center of Toulouse. We knew that each pedal stroke brought us closer to the launch of our adventure. Little by little, the excitement was rising. We entered Toulouse and speeded up. And all of a sudden, the Capitol was in front of us…

Our meeting with Pierre Cohen, the mayor of Toulouse


Only then did we fully realize the scale of our project. Our parents were already here. Few minutes later, Sandrine Lavigne, founder of Planicook, sponsor and fervent supporter of Ride the Flavour joined us. The media also came to cover our departure. We spent more than 3 hours explaining our project in front of journalists and cameramen. The mayor of Toulouse and his first assistant came to meet us. A little tense by so much attention at the beginning, we then played the game and discovered with pleasure the enthusiasm which our project arouses. Full of spirit, we discussed successively with 3 groups of journalists. Thank you for your coming!

* Our TV appearance on the French local news (France 3 Midi-Pyrénées), this Monday, July 1st, 2013 *


* Another TV coverage (Mativi Toulouse) *



We have now started to ride. In front of us : a 20 000 km-road. It will cross 27 countries and make us discover fabulous cultures, delicious recipes, passionate associations and above all amazing meetings!

A huge thanks to all of you who supported us during the pre-world tour. Your advices helped us to stay on course and your encouragements were a great source of motivation! And now, we are there…

The tour around the world of flavour by electric bike is on!

Ride the Flavour team is now pedaling across the world!

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